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The Christmas Revels Songbook

Item Number: SB1078


We’re thrilled to once again have in stock The Christmas Revels Songbook. Thank you to the generous donors who made reprinting this book, now with an enclosed spiral binding, possible.


John Langstaff and his wife, noted pianist and arranger Nancy Woodbridge Langstaff, provided a playful and tender primer of Christmas Revels favorites, including carols, processionals, rounds, ritual, and children’s songs. The 63 selections include “Deck the Hall,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Gower Wassail,” “The Holly and the Ivy,” “Lord of the Dance,” and “Personent Hodie.”

Index of Titles

A Christmas Round

Abbots Bromley Horn Dance

Alle Psallite cum Luya

Alleluia Round, The

Apple Tree Wassail

As I Sat on a Sunny Bank

Babe of Bethlehem, The

Bells in the High Tower

Boar’s Head Carol, The

Brightest and Best

Carol of the Birds, The

Cherry Tree Carol, The

Children, Go Where I Send Thee

Christ Child’s Lullaby

Christmas Eve Is Here

Cornish Wassail

Dame, Get Up and Bake Your Pies

Deck the Hall

Dona Nobis Pacem


First Nowell, The

Friendly Beasts, The

Glory to the Mountain

Gloucestershire Wassail

Go, Tell It on the Mountain

Gower Wassail

Green Grow’th the Holly

Here We Come A-wassailing

Holly and the Ivy, The

Huron Indian Caro

I Saw Three Ships

Jolly Old Hawk

Kentucky Wassail

King Herod and the Cock

Lord of the Dance, The

Mary Had a Baby

Masters in this Hall


Moon Shines Bright, The

Nova! Nova!

O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)

Oken Leaves

On Christmas Night

Orientis Partibus

Peace Round

Personent Hodie (On This Day)

Please to See the King

Shalom Chaverim

Silent Night

Sing We Noel

Somerset Wassail

Star in the East

Sussex Mummers’ Carol

There Was a Pig Went to Dig

Truth Sent from Above, The

Twelve Days of Christmas, The

Voici Le Noel (Christmas Eve is Here)

Wassail Carol (Gloucestershire Wassail)

We’ve Been Awhile A-wandering

Wexford Carol

What Shall I Give to the Child?

While Shepherds Watch’d

Wondrous Love

Wren Song, The